Contrail Systems Blog

Network Virtualization: Past, Present & Future

Virtualizing the physical network and treating the logical networks differently based on the business needs and security policies have been around for multiple decades. The technologies available to create such segmentations are different for different areas of the network. For example, in the Local Area Networks (LANs),

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Unraveling Physical Infrastructure for Large Cloud Service Providers

My last commentary addressed why the physical and virtual networking technologies within datacenters will have distinct paths of evolution going forward. Both spaces will see substantial new products and capabilities and there will be innovations around intelligently connecting the two. Since the two spaces will inevitably coexist, it

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Physical vs. Virtual Network Infrastructure in Modern Data Centers

Physical network evolution within data centers: Many of us are truly excited about the resurgence of networking as cool and happening given the popularity of SDN. However, irrespective of the ability to programmatically define the network topology or network behavior, to my mind the datacenter network architecture

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High fives and game on!

A news-worthy week, for sure. With the news of VMware’s $1.2B acquisition of Nicira and Contrail Systems’ Series A funding announcement, it’s been an exciting time in the SDN space.  The whole industry is suddenly jumping in on a passionate dialog of how to achieve customers goals

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